Thursday, March 29, 2012

Shedding Season

Change. It is said to be the one constant in life. Inescapable change. My coffee started out hot and steamy, now the last sip sits room temperature at the bottom of my stained white mug, the remnants of an already long morning. Barx is laying in front of me with constant blue eyes staring at me and a high pitched whine as he either wonders when we will go for our morning run or if I let him out for a possible poop break... Let me explain. Yesterday Barx and I went to my parents house for a visit and during the two seconds he was left alone he managed to find, open, unwrap, and eat a box of granola bars and a chocolate bar. My night as I foresaw was spent being woken up for possible poop breaks that I couldn't ignore because someone had the runs. After a combination of a few hours of sleep I woke up at 6am and went to work. Barx is my first Siberian Husky, he is a black and grey male who is now 13 months old and 60lbs. When he was a puppy he was a little demon, but as a maturing adult he's fantastic!

... i must at this moment end here. i shall be back though to finish 'shedding season' 

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